Jan 8, 2012
- Steve Jobs
Jan 6, 2012
I can catch the falling stars...
...they make the darkness brighter, even though they burn holes in my hands.
Сърце, сърце, смили се клето, -
от зло предчувствие обзето,
защо тревожно биеш ти?
Съдбата даде ли ти нещо,
че днес, настръхнала зловещо,
да може да го похити?
Животът ли? Ах, той един е -
и ти не искаш да премине
без диря някаква в света;
но колко пъти си, унило,
изстивало към всичко мило
и пожелавало смъртта?
- Пейо Яворов
Jan 5, 2012
Jan 3, 2012
What I learned in 2011:
Whatever shit has happened to you in 2011, I won't lie, you probably can't fix it. It's done.
You can't turn back time and say "Ok, now I'll do things differently." Even if you could, you have no idea whether bigger shit would(n't) happen.
Whatever good has happened to you in 2011, I won't lie, you can't bring it back. It's history. The success, the partying, those moments when you were happy to be alive...make sure you remember them. And hope that the best is to come.
Do not have regrets about what you said or did in 2011 - because at some point, it was what you wanted. Say bye to the dramas, bye to the haters, bye to the fucked up situations and the more fucked up feelings .... simply
and embrace a brand new fresh start.
Be thankful that you have the chance to.
My own New Year Resolutions?
- I'll go after what I want, because if I don't, I'll certainly never have it.
- I'll ask, because if I don't, the answer will always be "no".
- I'll step forward, because If I don't, I'll always be in the same place.
The rest, my dreams and my goals? I don't need to make a list. I finally know what I want. Funny, it seems I've known all along, I just wasn't aware of it.
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