Sep 2, 2011


Yesterday night I finally watched "300" . My first comment - such a beautiful movie! A story about bravery, honor and glory. Where ARE THOSE PEOPLE TODAY? Beautifully done, I could feel each character's emotion and sometimes chills were shivering down my spine. All of the Evilness with capital "E" in the face of the God-King...  his height, his voice, his look,, his creatures...brilliant. I loved the whole "treachery" concept. Did you notice? There were betrayers everywhere - and each of them had his own reasons to be one. There was that Arcadian guy, Daxos.

King Leonidas: Spartans! Prepare for glory!
Daxos: Glory? Have you gone mad? There is no glory to be had now! Only retreat, or surrender or death!
King Leonidas: Well, that's an easy choice for us, Arcadian! Spartans never retreat! Spartans never surrender! Go spread the word. Let every Greek assembled know the truth of this. Let each among them search his own soul. And while you're at it, search your own. 

There was Ephialtes - a repulsive creature, who has never felt a part of one whole, that's why he stands alone and betrays Leonidas. Partly out of malice and envy that he cannot be a true warrior or loved by any woman, and partly out of  trying to save his miserable life (because it was clear, that the Persians would win). 
Then there was Theron - that filthy worm, ready to betray his own man, his own country, his own mother and father probably too, for power. His thinks with his manhood, not with his head, which, thankfully, leads to his fall. But he was definately the most loathsome character, or at least for me. His desire to own the queen was not
 because he was in love with her,neither because he wanted her physically. The 
only reason he "did" her was, because he wanted to humiliate her and her husband 
the King. He wanted to satisfy his own ego, feel his own power.Corrupt and greedy, unworthy.
 I just LOVED Stelios. Michael Fassbender did a great job, really. I've seen him in a 
couple of movies, and in my opinion, he will soon be considered one of the best actors 
along with James McAvoy, Joseph-Gordon Levitt and others. Or at least I hope so. 
I also loved queen Gorgo. Such a strong woman. Lena Headey - beautiful. 
Of course, the movie is kind of untrustworthy because of all the "supernatural" 
phenomenons. But if we take it more as a fairy tale, than a historical event 
(although that battle really did happen and 300 brave Spartans really did defeat 
countless Persians before they died  for their country), then I think that a fairy tale
 can teach us great lessons.
Blah, I talk too much. 


  1. The movie really is powerful. You should see Sucker Punch. It's not a masterpiece when it comes to plot or cast, but the movie itself is very beautifully made. And there are some really inspiring quotes in the script. Check it out. :P

  2. ok, I will, as soon as I come back home :P thanks ^_^
